Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Bad Cystic Experience...

Ever come across a product of which you've heard works wonders for other people and yet it destroys you in a night's usage? I believe that's what happened to me over the weekend... sigh...

This Miracle product (apparently an anti-aging product) all hyped up by the press and reviews, it was only fair to give it a try...after all, you only need a few drops of it. There are obviously other anti-aging products that I've tried and so far had worked great; and since this one was one of the leading brands, I'm pretty sure it would work for everyone in general right?


I tried this anti-aging serum (only to be revealed as NR) that worked so well with Mom...seems to help her with her lines immensely...
So I decided to try it.. the moment I applied it on my face, I woke up the next morning with a huge red Cystic Pimple* on my left cheek. Argh! Now it's really red and I need to cover it with huge dollops of powder on it...

Sigh... Thank goodness I didn't  buy a whole big bottle of it...

Morale of the story: Be Extremely Cautious of the Reviews you read. Not everything fits everyone... :(

So now, it back to repairing my skin again...sigh...

*Cystic Acne:
- Differs from the usual type of pimple - 
 much larger and more painful than usual.
- Can be of a diameter as large as 5 mm or more.
- Can appear as bumps under the skin...
- Slow recovery...

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